Saturday 31 May 2014

Catastrophe Management.

Life is stressful and full of anxieties, this is true for all. What isn't the same for everyone is the severity or impact of these hazards. Years ago I was paralyzed by what I thought were threats and pressures from the outside world but upon going into counselling I realized were all just poisonous thought processes in my own head, developed through a traumatic past that had made me "Catastrophise" everything.

My counselor taught me how to manage these times when my fight or flight response would kick in and I would freeze, not knowing what to do. It's essentially a meditation, built to remind you of what is real, and to ground you in the present rather than travelling into the past or future. It's incredibly simple but very, very effective.
I don't suffer anything near the same anxiety as I used to, but every so often something can set me off ,meaning this advice is as useful as ever. I thought I would share it.

  1. Find a safe place.
  2. Sit in a chair with your back straight.Feel your weight in the chair. Plant your feet and feel the ground, taking off your shoes if you need to.
  3. Breathe Deeply and calmly. Feel your entire body sink into the chair. You are safe here, you cannot fall.
  4. Look around and remind yourself what is real. Notice the walls, ceiling and windows.
  5. Ask yourself exactly what pressures you are under, this very minute. Put all other worries of tomorrow out of your mind, they are not real at this moment.
  6. Ask if you have a choice. Can you go for a walk, watch a film, simply do nothing. As long as you have a choice, you are free.
  7. Try not to think about past problems or traumas. The past is over, whatever has happened is done and you have no control over it, lingering on it is nothing but a drain on your emotions and energy.
  8. If you become emotional, let it out. Feeling safe can be the opener that uncorks your built up stress.
  9. Always remember to breath deeply and evenly, feeling your weight held safely where you sit.
This should hopefully result in making you feel lighter and more able to cope with life, and allow you to more productively deal with any REAL problems you have. 

It's also useful to do this regularly, even if you don't feel overly stressed, as it can make you not only banish negativity but remind you of what you have to be thankful for.

Hope this helps.

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