Friday 31 January 2014



This post contains no humour, joy or happiness. It is a rundown of the symptoms of my personal depression. It does not have a happy ending or any of the coping mechanisms I have developed, those will be in another post.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Sony Ban Post-Mortem

Three weeks is long enough to be declared legally dead ya know!
I'm not sure if the above is true. I could Google it but then I might find out it's not and I would feel bad about misleading people. Refuge in deliberate ignorance bitches, it makes me feel great!

The point is that Sony have finally restored my PSN account 21 days after they kicked me to the curb because PayPal bounced back a £40 payment, and over two weeks after I rectified that by repaying them. During this time I have had headache after headache dealing with them. You can read the full story here.

I decided to make a final post just to sum up what I've learned about the company throughout all of this, although I've still to receive a reply to the written complaint I posted yesterday so who knows what'll happen when they get that.

Sony Support Are Very Nice People...

...who are absolutely useless. Put the nice people on the front line so you feel bad about mowing them down to get to the real bastards. I never had a bad experience with the people manning the phones, they were courteous and eager to help. Problem is they couldn't. They are basically a talking manual. They can tell you if you're plugging the power cable into the usb port or blocking the disc tray with silly putty, but that's it. Have an actual problem that requires an action on the companies part they have to file a report with the mysterious "Head Office".

You Are Not Worthy!

You are permitted to talk only to the front line troops. I tried to take my issues with their service up one rung of the ladder and talk to a supervisor: No dice. They refused to give me even a name. I Then tried to talk to Head Office multiple times who did worse than that by pretending they would get back to me, at least the middle-management just gave me the finger. You  have one route to get in touch with Sony, and it's a cul-de-sac.

Don't Go Making Trouble.

I found out on my last call that the more you complain, the worse it gets. I found out that every time the support team amend your case notes the issue gets resubmitted to Head Office at the back of the queue... so if your problem is that their process takes too long then guess what, y'alls gonna be stuck in the loop for a long time!

And Finally...

Sony Don't Care About You.

They only care about your money. Seems like an obvious one but I've never had it reinforced so strongly. They banned me as soon as my payment went fuck-up and it took them less than 1 week to take my repayment. It then took over two weeks to get around to restoring my account. I have had a PS4 for five weeks exactly, three of those it has been banned. That is a shitty state of affairs right there.

The funny thing is that after all of this they will definitely be getting less of my money. I'll continue to buy games and such but I'll never again used any kind of bank transfer to do so. If ever I see something I want, like a bit of DLC or a PSN game I'm going to buy it with a prepaid PSN card. This means I'll have to go to a shop and pick one up, giving me plenty of time to rethink whether or not I really need/can afford it. They've lost the impulse buy. Do you have any idea how much money I've spent on Steam games, that I will never play, simply because I had a debit card handy? It's a terrible number that continues to grow.

-End Of Line-