Sunday 12 January 2014

The Great Pokemon Cull: Intro

I love me some Pokemans.

I was fan from the beginning. I caught 'em all in Gen 1, 2, 3... then sorta stopped. I still play the games and catch what I want or need but to be honest, there's just too damn many. I'm not sayin' that the designs have gotten worse over the years like so many a jaded twenty-somethings, quite the contrary; many of the ones I hate are holdouts I hated from the very start and yet every game asks me to catch it or trade for it all over again. Blegh!

Here's the thing though, Pokemon's got a big boner for evolution (even if it doesn't really seem to understand it) so I figure why not add a little chlorine to the Pokepool and get rid of the weaker elements? Get some delicious concentrate that's easier to manage.

I intend to take my large collection of rocks and sacks and get the truck loaded for a trip to the river. Since there are now a ridiculous 718 specimens to sort through I will do this methodically and efficiently, like a German Scientist, the best kind of scientist.

In Round 1 I'll go through each generation and pick out the weaklings.
Then Round 2 will post specific categories from each generation against each other to cut the hangers-on off at the elbows.
Finally Round 3 will be a polishing, looking at what's left and making final touches to smooth over any holes or problems left by the absentees.

For the record the selection will be based simply on visual design and it will not be a democracy. This is the internet and I will not yield to even the most well reasoned arguments against my reasoning. My Ego is a giant platinum phallus that shines in the sunrise and it will not be injured!

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